Friday, 24 June 2011

The build continues and the garden takes shape

The continuing diary of the build and installation of the Cube Lighting garden.

Day 5
Our Brett Approved Installer - Paramount Paving - arrived as the show ground opened and set to work, all six of them. Andy with two colleagues from Finnforest came to assess the site.

Plants arrived from Nicholson’s nursery in Oxfordshire. Unfortunately, our large elms which were to go outside the garden were too tall for the carrier and had to be exchanged for oaks, but they are lovely.

Among these were 25 Ilex crenata balls 55cm wide.

Chris and Ray Carter worked hard on getting the back wall up.

Then came Danco and set up the last part of the large marquee. At last we have a full roof.

We have been promised water on site tomorrow, which will be brilliant.

Day 6
Another day with great progress.

The pool which was concreted yesterday got its shuttering removed and was filled. The piers were started and all six are halfway built and are drying ready for the top part to be laid. There are other various painting jobs being completed, and the team has levelled the entrance area and completed the back wall.

Even in this light you can see some reflection.

Outside the scalloped beds nearly finished.

Cube Lighting came to visit and took part in the build.

People were working in all areas of the garden.

Yesterday this beautifully laid polished sandstone patio, donated by Brett Landscaping, was built and it will be grouted tomorrow.

The pergola, which we brought down from Eynsham Sawmill, got partly pleached yesterday (stains from the saw blade) and this job will continue tomorrow.

I’m really pleased with progress so far. I can see the garden starting to take shape even at this very early stage, which is wonderful after all the months of planning.

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